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Intermediation in capital markets a comparative study :  Turkey and U.S.A için kapak resmi
Intermediation in capital markets a comparative study : Turkey and U.S.A
Kalaycı , Şeref. author
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
141 pages : table ; 23 cm.
Capital Markets Board of Turkey ; 137.
TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Acknowledgments iii -- bstract iv -- ısa Ozet v --Table of Contents vi --List of Tables vii --List of Figures ix --Introduction I -- CHAPTER 1 --THE THEORETICAL BASIS OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION --1.1. Traditional Theories of Financial Intermediation 3 --1.1.1. Transaction Costs Based Theories 3 --1.1.2. Information Based Theories 5 --1.2. Modern Theories of Financial Intermediation 9 --CHAPTER II --THE ROLES OF SECURITIES FIRMS --II. 1. Transaction Costs Reduction Role 11 --II.2. Capital Raising Role 11 --II.3. Liquidity Mechanism Role 11 --II.4. Financial Engineering Role 32 --II.5. Financial Advice Role 12 --II.6. Risk Management Role 12 -- --CHAPTER III --CAPITAL MARKET INTERMEDIATION IN U.S.A. --III.1. Characteristics of Capital Market Intermediation in U.S.A 13 --III. 1.1. The Classifications of Securities Firms 13 --III. 1.1.1. Member Firms 13 -- Investment Banks 14 --III. 1.1.3. Over-The-Counter Firm 14 --III. 1.2. Membership on Stock Exchanges 15 --III. 1.2. J. Membership in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) 15 --III A.2.2. Membership in American Stock Exchange (AMEX) 15 --III. 1.2.3. Membership in Over-The-Counter Market (OTC) 16 --III. 1.3. The Types of Brokers and Dealers on Securities Markets 16 --III. 1.3.1. Commission House Broker 17 --III. 1.3.2. Two-Dollar Broker 17 --III. 1.3.3. Registered Floor Trader 17 --III. 1.3.4. Bond Broker 17 --III. 1.3.5. Specialist 17 --III.2. The Legislative Framework 18 --III.2.1. Securities act of 1933 19 --III.2.2. Glass- Steagall Act 19 --III.2.3. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 23 --III.2.4. The Maloney Act 24 --III.2.5. Investment Company Act of 1940 24 --III.2.6. Investment Advisory Act of 1940 26 --III.2.7. Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 26 --III.2.8. The Securities Acts Amendments of 1975 26 --III.2.9. The National Securities Markets improvement Act of 1996 27 --III.2.10. mGramm-Leach-BlileyActof 1999 27 --III.3. Capital Requirements of U.S. Securities Firms 29 --III.3.1. The Purpose of Regulatory Capital in Securities Firms 29 --III.3.2. Risks Faced By Securities Firms 29 --III.3.LI. Market Risk 29 --III.3.1.2. Liquidity Risk 30 --III.3.L3. Credit Risk 30 --III.3.L4. Operational Risk 31 --III.3.1.5. Legal Risk 33 --III.3.1.6. Systemic Risk 31 --III.3.3. Alternative Systems for Setting Regulatory Capital Requirements 32 --III.3.4. The SEC Net Capital Rule 32 --III.3.1.1. Basic Capital Method 33 --III.3.1.2. Alternative Capital Method 33 --III.3.5. Criticism of the SEC Net Capital Rule 34 --III.4. Participants of Capital Markets in U.S.A 35 --III.4.1. Households 35 --III.4.2. Institutions 37 --III.4.2.1. Declining Costs of Trading 39 --III.4.2.2. Impact of the Institutionalization 39 --III.4.3. Demand Characteristics 39 --III.5. Services Offered by Securities Firms in U.S.A 40 --III.5.1. Capital Markets Services 40 --III.5.1.1. Underwriting 40 --III. 5.1.2. Secondary Market Activities 40 --III.1.3. Brokerage Activities 41 --III.5.1.4. Research 41 --III.5.1.5. Hedging and Risk Management 41 --III.5.2. Corporate Finance Services 41 --III.5.2.1. Mergers and Acquisitions 42 --III.5.2.2. Recapitalization 42 --III.5.23. Real estate and other Special Transactions 42 --III.5.2.4. Merchant Banking 42 --III.5.3. Investment Management and Investor Services 43 --III.5.3.1. Investment Management for Institutions and Individuals 43 --III.5.3.2. Investor Services 43 --III. 6. Pricing Behaviour and Competition among Securities Firms in U.S.A 44 --III.6.1. Fixed Commission Rates 44 --III.6.2. Competitive Commissions Rate 45 --III.6.3. Consolidation 47 -- --CHAPTER IV --FUTURE PERSPECTIVE: KEY TRENDS IN CAPITAL MARKETS --IV.1. Online Security Trading 49 --IV.2. Electronic Trading Systems 51 --IV.2.1. Evolution of Electronic Trading 51 --IV.2.2. Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs) 52 --IV.3. Globalization Trends 55 -- --CHAPTER V --CAPITAL MARKET INTERMEDIATION IN TURKEY --V.I. The Sector in Figures 57 --V.2. Licensing 57 --V.3. Capital Adequacy 58 --V.4. Scope of Operations 59 --V.5. Competition 60 -- --CHAPTER VI --RESEARCH DESIGN FOR THE EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF TURKISH AND AMERICAN CAPITAL MARKET INTERMEDIARIES WITH RESPECT --TO THEIR FINANCIAL STRUCTURES --VI. 1. Literature Review 63 --VI.2. Objectives of the Study 63 --VI.3. Sampling and Data Collection Method 67 --VI.3.1.Sampling 67 --Vl.3.2. Data Collection 67 --VI.3.2.1. Data for the United States 67 --VI.3.2.2. Data for Turkey 68 --VI.3.3. Procedures for Computation of Data 68 --VI.3.4. Limitations of Database 68 --VI.4. Variables and Their Operationalizations 69 --VI.5. Conceptual Model 72 -- --CHAPTER VII --METHODOLOGY --VII.1. Examining the Data 73 --VII.2. Factor Analysis 75 --VII.3. Discriminant Analysis 79 --VII.4. Logit Analysis 80 -- --CHAPTER --VIII FINDINGS --VIII.1. Factor Analysis 83 --VIII.1.1. The Data 83 --VIII.1.2. Assessing Appropriateness of Data for the Factor Analysis 83 --VIII.1.2.1. Examining the Correlation Matrix 83 --VIII.1.2.2. Kaiser- Meyer-Oikin 85 --VII1.1.2.3. Barleit's Test of Spherity 85 --VIII.1.3. Factor Extraction 85 --VIII.1.4. The Communalities of the Variables 88 --VIII.1.5. The Rotation Stage 89 --VIII.1.6. Labelling the Factors 90 --VIII.1.7. Factor Scores 93 --VIII.2. Discriminant Analysis 93 --VIII.2.I. The Data 93 --VIII.2.2. Evaluating Significance of Discriminating Variables 94 --VIII.2.3. Estimation of the Discriminant Function 95 --VIII.2.4. The Discriminant Function 97 --VIII.2.5. Discriminant Functions Evaluated at Group Means 98 --VIII.2.6. Classification Results 98 --VIII.3. Logit Analysis 100 --VIII.3.1. Assessing Model Fit 100 --VIII.3.2. Testing for Significance of the Coefficients 102 --VIII.3.3. Classification Results 102 -- --CONCLUSION 105 -- --REFERENCES 113 --Appendix -A : Securities and Exchange Commission Haircuts 119 --Appendix-B : The List of American Securities Firms 122 --Appendix-C : The List of Turkish Securities Firms 123 --Appendix-D : Criticism of BaJance Sheet and Income Statement Formats of Turkish Securities Firms 124.
Capital market intermediares play vital roles economies. They link people who have money to those who want to raise money they provide a pricing mechanism for the value of investments .


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Kitap EKOBKN0006133 332.6409561 KAL 2001

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