Arama Sonu&ccedil;lar&#305; Turkey -- History, Military -- 20th century. SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dTurkey$002b--$002bHistory$00252C$002bMilitary$002b--$002b20th$002bcentury.$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z Harb-i umumide Irak harekat&#305; : K&ucirc;t&uuml;'l-am&acirc;re ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3851 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Mehmed Nuri Efendi. yazar<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Ottoman army effectiveness in World War I : a comparative study ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:9211 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Erickson, Edward J., 1950- author<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Year of the locust : a soldier's diary and the erasure of Palestine's Ottoman past ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:9087 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Tam&#257;r&#299;, Sal&#299;m. author<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> The Ottoman road to war in 1914 : the Ottoman Empire and the First World War ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:9120 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Aksakal, Mustafa, 1973- author<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> 'Sorry, lads, but the order is to go' : the August offensive, Gallipoli 1915 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:8881 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Cameron, David W. author<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> The birth of modern Turkey : the Ottoman military and the march to World War I ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:8366 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Akme&#351;e, Handan Nezir. author<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Ordered to die : a history of the Ottoman army in the First World War ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:9590 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z 2024-06-24T23:20:23Z by&#160;Erickson, Edward J., 1950- auhor<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>