Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed
Diamond, Jared M. author

Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed

Diamond, Jared M. author


Yazar Ek Girişi
Diamond, Jared M. author

Fiziksel Tanımlama
xii, 589 pages : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm.

Genel Not
"With a new afterword" -- Cover.

List of Maps xiu Prologue: A Tale of Two Farms 1 Two farms « Collapses, past and present » Vanished Edens? Ŷ A five-point framework Ŷ Businesses and the environment Ŷ The comparative method Ŷ Plan of the book Ŷ PartOne: MODERN MONTANA 25 Chapter 1: Under Montana's Big Sky 27 Stan Falkow's story « Montana and me Ŷ Why begin with Montana? Ŷ Montana's economic history Ŷ Mining • Forests Ŷ Soil Ŷ Water «» Native and non-native species Ŷ Differing visions » Attitudes towards regulation • Rick Laible's story Ŷ Chip Pigman's story » Tim Huls's story Ŷ John Cook's story Ŷ Montana, model of the world * PartTwo: PAST SOCIETIES 77 Chapter 2: Twilight at Easter 79 The quarry's mysteries « Easter's geography and history Ŷ People and food * Chiefs, clans, and commoners Ŷ Platforms and statues Ŷ Carving, transporting, erecting Ŷ The vanished forest Ŷ Consequences for society Ŷ Europeans and explanations Ŷ Why was Easter fragile? Ŷ Easter as metaphor • Chapter 3: The Last People Alive: Pitcairn and Henderson Islands 120 Pitcairn before the Bounty Ŷ Three dissimilar islands » Trade Ŷ The movie's ending * Chapter 4: The Ancient Ones: The Anasazi and Their Neighbors 136 Desert farmers • Tree rings * Agricultural strategies * Chaco's problems and packrats • Regional integration Ŷ Chaco's decline and end * Chaco's message Ŷ X Contents Chapter 5: The Maya Collapses 157 Mysteries of lost cities Ŷ The Maya environment Ŷ Maya agriculture Ŷ Maya history Ŷ Copan * Complexities of collapses Ŷ Wars and droughts Ŷ Collapse in the southern lowlands Ŷ The Maya message Ŷ Chapter 6: The Viking Prelude and Fugues 178 Experiments in the Atlantic Ŷ The Viking explosion Ŷ Autocatalysis Ŷ Viking agriculture Ŷ Iron Ŷ Viking chiefs Ŷ Viking religion Ŷ Orkneys, Shetlands, Faeroes Ŷ Iceland's environment Ŷ Iceland's history Ŷ Iceland in context Ŷ Vinland Ŷ Chapter 7: Norse Greenland's Flowering 211 Europe's outpost Ŷ Greenland's climate today Ŷ Climate in the past Ŷ Native plants and animals « Norse settlement Ŷ Farming Ŷ Hunting and fishing Ŷ An integrated economy Ŷ Society Ŷ Trade with Europe * Self-image Ŷ Chapter 8: Norse Greenland's End 248 Introduction to the end Ŷ Deforestation » Soil and turf damage Ŷ The Inuit's predecessors Ŷ Inuit subsistence Ŷ Inuit/Norse relations * The end Ŷ Ultimate causes of the end « Chapter 9: Opposite Paths to Success 277 Bottom up, top down Ŷ New Guinea highlands Ŷ Tikopia Ŷ Tokugawa problems Ŷ Tokugawa solutions Ŷ Why Japan succeeded Ŷ Other successes Ŷ Part Three: MODERN SOCIETIES 309 Chapter 10: Malthus in Africa: Rwanda's Genocide 311 A dilemma Ŷ Events in Rwanda * More than ethnic hatred Ŷ Buildup in Kanama Ŷ Explosion in Kanama Ŷ Why it happened Ŷ Chapter 11: One Island, Two Peoples, Two Histories: The Dominican Republic and Haiti 329 Differences * Histories Ŷ Causes of divergence * Dominican environmental impacts Ŷ Balaguer Ŷ The Dominican environment today Ŷ The future Ŷ Contents xi Chapter 12: China, Lurching Giant 358 China's significance Ŷ Background Ŷ Air, water, soil Ŷ Habitat, species, megaprojects Ŷ Consequences Ŷ Connections Ŷ The future • Chapter 13: "Mining" Australia 378 Australia's significance * Soils Ŷ Water Ŷ Distance Ŷ Early history E Imported values Ŷ Trade and immigration Ŷ Land degradation • Other environmental problems Ŷ Signs of hope and change Ŷ Part Four: PRACTICAL LESSONS 417 Chapter 14: Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions? 419 Road map for success Ŷ Failure to anticipate Ŷ Failure to perceive Ŷ Rational bad behavior Ŷ Disastrous values Ŷ Other irrational failures Ŷ Unsuccessful solutions • Signs of hope « Chapter 15: Big Businesses and the Environment: Different Conditions, Different Outcomes 441 Resource extraction « Two oil fields » Oil company motives Ŷ Hardrock mining operations * Mining company motives • Differences among mining companies Ŷ The logging industry « Forest Stewardship Council Ŷ The seafood industry Ŷ Businesses and the public » Chapter 16: The World as a Polder: What Does It All Mean to Us Today? 486 Introduction Ŷ The most serious problems • If we don't solve them ... Ŷ Life in Los Angeles • One-liner objections Ŷ The past and the present Ŷ Reasons for hope Ŷ Acknowledgments 526 Further Readings 529 Index ' 561 Illustration Credits 576

In Jared Diamond’s follow-up to the Pulitzer-Prize winning Guns, Germs and Steel, the author explores how climate change, the population explosion and political discord create the conditions for the collapse of civilization Environmental damage, climate change, globalization, rapid population growth, and unwise political choices were all factors in the demise of societies around the world, but some found solutions and persisted. As in Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond traces the fundamental pattern of catastrophe, and weaves an all-encompassing global thesis through a series of fascinating historical-cultural narratives. Collapse moves from the Polynesian cultures on Easter Island to the flourishing American civilizations of the Anasazi and the Maya and finally to the doomed Viking colony on Greenland. Similar problems face us today and have already brought disaster to Rwanda and Haiti, even as China and Australia are trying to cope in innovative ways. Despite our own society’s apparently inexhaustible wealth and unrivaled political power, ominous warning signs have begun to emerge even in ecologically robust areas like Montana. Brilliant, illuminating, and immensely absorbing, Collapse is destined to take its place as one of the essential books of our time, raising the urgent question: How can our world best avoid committing ecological suicide?

Konu Başlığı
Social history -- Case studies.
Toplumsal tarih -- Örnek çalışmalar.
Social change -- Case studies.
Toplumsal Değişim -- Örnek çalışmalar.
Environmental policy -- Case studies.
Çevre politikası -- Örnek çalışmalar.

LibraryMateryal TürüDemirbaşYer NumarasıDurumu / Lokasyon / İade Tarihi
Ekonomi KütüphanesiKitapEKOBKN0005179304.2809 DIA 2011Merkez Kütüphane Genel Koleksiyon