Doing business 2015 : going beyond efficiency : comparing business regulations for domestic firms in 189 economies : a World Bank Group flagship report.
World Bank.

Doing business 2015 : going beyond efficiency : comparing business regulations for domestic firms in 189 economies : a World Bank Group flagship report.

World Bank.


Basım Bilgisi
12th edition.

Fiziksel Tanımlama
x, 318 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm

Contents v ı:oreword Overview 15 About 0oing Business 24 What is changing in 0oing Business? 33 Reforming the business environment in 2013/14 Case studies 47 Starting o business The growing efficieııcy of company registries 53 Zoning aııd urban planning Understandiııg the beııefits 60 Registering propertu Measuriııg the qualıty of land admiııistrotioıı systems 67 Getting credit The importoııce of registries 76 Protecting minority investors Goiııg beyond related-party troıısactioııs 83 Paying taxes Treııds before and aFter the finaııcial crisis 90 Enforcing contracts HowJUdicial efficieııcy supports freedom of controct 96 Resolving insolvency Measuring the streııgth of iıısolveııcy laws 102 Highlights from the 0oing Busiııess research conference 109 References 114 Data notes 146 Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking 152 Summaries of 0oing Busiııess reforms in 2013/14 167 Countrq tables 231 Labor market regulation data 252 Acknowledgments

Annotation 'Doing Business 2015' illustrates how reforms in business regulations are being used to analyse economic outcomes for domestic entrepreneurs and for the wider economy.

Konu Başlığı
New business enterprises -- Statistics.
Yeni işletmeler -- İstatistik.
Commercial law -- Statistics.
Ticaret hukuku -- İstatistik.
Trade regulation -- Statistics.
Ticaret yönetmeliği -- İstatistik.
Industrial laws and legislation.
Ekonomi hukuku.

Tüzel Kişi Ek Girişi
World Bank.
World Bank Group.

LibraryMateryal TürüDemirbaşYer Numarası
Ekonomi KütüphanesiKitapEKOBKN0005298346.07 DOI 2014