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International Law : A Summary için kapak resmi
International Law : A Summary
Telli Akipek, Serap.
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
xii, 220 Pages.: 24 cm.
Genel Not:
Kaynakça: sayfa [211]-220.
İçindekilerTABLE OF CONTENTS -- PREFACE Ill -- LIST OF FIGURES IX -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XI -- CHAPTER I LAW IN SOCIETY -- I. The Concept of Order 1 -- II. Rules of Order 1 -- III. Definition of Law 2 -- III.a. Different Types of Law 2 -- IILb. System of Law, or Legal System 4 -- CHAPTER II -- CONCEPT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW -- I. Problems of Definition 7 -- II. Place of International Law within the Legal System ....10 -- III. Relations with other Branches of Law -- and Humanities 15 -- CHAPTER III -- SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW -- I. Primary Sources 25 -- I.a. Written Sources 27 -- I.b. Unwritten Sources 28 -- II. Secondary Sources 29 -- -- CHAPTER IV -- CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW -- I. Definition 37 -- La. Elements 38 -- Lb. Classification 41 -- II. Codification 44 -- CHAPTER V -- CONVENTIONAL LAW: LAW OF TREATIES -- I. Definition 49 -- La. Negotiation 53 -- Lb. Conclusion 57 -- I.c. Ratification and Entry into force 61 -- II. Classification 65 -- III. Observance of Treaties 68 -- IV. Invalidity, Termination or Suspension 78 -- CHAPTER VI -- SUBJECTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW -- I. States 85 -- II. International Organizations 86 -- III. Sui Generis Subjects (Entities) 90 -- IV. Individuals: Overview of Human Rights Law 92 -- CHAPTER VII STATES -- I. Constituting Elements 95 -- La. Territory 101 -- Lb. Population 103 -- I. c. Government 104 -- IL Territory, and State Boundaries 107 -- II. a. Natural Boundaries 109 -- -- Il.a.l. Mountains 109 -- II.a.2. Rivers 110 -- II.a.3. Lakes 112 -- II.a.4 Territorial Waters 113 -- ILb. Artificial Boundaries 113 -- II.b.1. Geodetic Boundaries 113 -- II.b.2. Geometric Boundaries 114 -- I. Boundaries of Turkey 114 -- CHAPTER VIII -- NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL WATERS, -- AND AIRSPACE -- I. Law of the Sea 117 -- La Internal Waters and Territorial Waters 121 -- I.a.l. Internal Waters, Baselines, Historic -- Waters, Archipelagic Waters 121 -- I.a.2. Territorial Waters 140 -- Lb. Contiguous Zone 150 -- I.c. Exclusive Economic Zone 153 -- I.d. Continental Shelf 156 -- I.e. High Seas 158 -- I.f. International Waterways 161 -- I.g. Outline of UN Convention on the Law of the -- Sea and Turkish Practice 163 -- II. Airspace 167 -- CHAPTER IX -- RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SUBJECTS OF -- INTERNATIONAL LAW -- I. Diplomatic and Consular Relations 171 -- La. Diplomatic agents 177 -- Lai. Functions 177
The basic idea here is not to frustrate the reader with too many citationsdetails, but to present hirn/her an explanation of basic premises and problems of international law from a certain, legalistic point of view albeit sensitive to other fields of knowledge.


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Kitap EKOBKN0011670 341 TEL 2018

On Order

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