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Raiyyet Rüsumu : essays presented to Halil İnalcık on his Seventieth Birthday by his colleagues and students için kapak resmi
Raiyyet Rüsumu : essays presented to Halil İnalcık on his Seventieth Birthday by his colleagues and students
Tekin, Şinasi, editors.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
volumes <10, 11 > : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Genel Not:
"Special edition of volume 10 (1986), 11 (1987) of The Journal of Turkish studies."
Volume 10 Avant-propos (Gilles Veinsteirı) Halil İnalcık Bibliography BACQUE-GRAMMONT, Jean-Louis, Sur dcux tirnariotes agresses dans la region de Florina en 1546 BELDICEANU, Nicoara+Irene, Notes sur le Bir, Les esclaves Tatars et q uelques charges dans Jes pays Rournains BENNIGSEN, Alexandre et LEMERCIER-QUELQUEJAY, Chantal, La poussce vcrs les rners chaudes et la barriere du Caucase BERINDEI, Mihnea, L'Empire ottoman et la "route rnoldave" avant la corıquete de Chilia et de Cctatea-alba (1484) KAFADAR, Cemal, A Death in Venice (1575): Anatolian Muslim Merchants Trading in the Serenissirna KREISER, Klaus, Icarcteyn: Zur "Doppelten Miete" im Osmanisclıen Stiftungswcsen KUNT, 1. Metin, Ottoman Names and Ottoman Ages KUT, Günay, Esiri, his "Sergüzeşt" and his Other Works COHEN, Amon, Ritual Murder Accusations against the Jews during the Days of Suleiman the Magnificent 7 COOK, Michael, The Provenance of the Lanı' al-Shih ab fi Sirat Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab ERGENÇ, Özer, XVIII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Yönetiminin mali nitelikleri ESIN, Emel, Tonga and ödlek (On Kasgari's Version of the Afrasiab/Tonga-Alp-Er Epic) FAROQHI, Suraiya, Long-Term Change and the Ottoman Construction Site: A Study of Builders' Wages and Iron Prices FINDLEY, Carter Vaughn, Factional Rivalry in Ottoman Istanbul: The Fall of Pertev Paşa, 1837 FLEISCHER, Cornell H., Preliminaries to the Study of the Ottoman Bureaucracy GERBER, Hairn, Jewish Tax-farmers in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th Centuries GOFFMAN, Daniel, The Capitulations and the Question of Authority in Levantine Trade 1600-1650 HALASI-KUN, Tibor, Some Notes on Ottoman Mufassal Defter Studies ISSAWI, Charles, Notes on the Trade of Basra, 1800-1914 JENNINGS, Ronald, The Population, Taxation, and Wealth in the Cities and Villages of Cyprus, According to the Detailed Population Survey (Defter-i Mufassal) of 1572 -- Volume 11 LEWIS, Bernard, Slade on the Turkish Navy MANTRAN, Robert, Un document sur la cizye a Istanbul a la fin du XV Ile siccle MURPHEY, Rhoads, The Ottoman Centuries in Iraq: Legacy or Aftermath? A Survey Study of Mesopotamian Hydrology and Ottoman Irrigation Projects NATTIER, Jan (Mongolian Version of Altun Yaru k , cf. TEKIN, $.) NECIPOGLU-KAFADAR, Culru, The Account Book of a Fifteenth-Century Ottoman Royal Kiosk ORTAYLI, Ilber, Reforms of Petrine Russia and the Ottoman Mind OSTAPCHUK, Victor, Five Documents from the Topkapi Palace Archive on the Ottoman Defense of the Black Sea against the Cossacks (1639) PRITSAK, Ome ljan, Trois le cons sur I'histoire du Grand Duchc de Lithuanie.Ruthenie (avec ['Ukraine) jusqu'en 1569 (resume) TEKIN, Goniil A., XVI. yiizy1l <, ::agatay sairi Meclisi'nin Seyfelmuluk adli mesnevisi hakkmda TEKIN, Sinasi, Altun Yaruk'un 20. Bo liirnii: iligler Qanlanung Koni Toriisin Aymaq (= Rajasastra) [Appendix: Jan NATTIER, The Mongolian Version] VEINSTEIN, Gilles, Le patrimoine fancier de Panayote Benakis, kocabasi de Kalarnata W ALLERSTEIN, Immanuel, Some Reflections on the Future of Ottoman Studies ZACHARIADOU, Elizabeth A., Lauro Quirini and the Turkish Sandjaks (ca. 1430) (Miscellaneous) HITCH, Doug, Tumshuqese and Turkic Br ah mi ru
International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History o. Turkish or Turkic


Materyal Türü
Yer Numarası
Durumu / Lokasyon / İade Tarihi
Kitap EKOBKN0006556 956.1005 RAI 1986 V.10
Kitap EKOBKN0006509 956.1005 RAI 1986 V.11

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