Incoterms in practice için kapak resmi
Incoterms in practice
Debattista, Charles, editor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
184 pages. : illustrions., forms ; 24 cm.
ICC publication ; no. 505
Seri Başlığı:
ICC publication ; no. 505
Genel Not:
Foreword by Jan Ramberg, chairman of the ICC Working Party on Incoterms
Incoterms and the contract of carriage / Charles Debattista -- Incoterms and documents / Jean Guebdon, Bart Van de Veire -- Incoterms, EDI and electronic messaging / Guillermo Jimenez -- Incoterms and UCP 500 / Jean Gu©♭don, Michel-Jean Gauthier --Incoterms and insurance / Klaus B. Winkler -- Incoterms and the single market / Raymond Battersby -- Problems related to the FCA term / Bart Van de Veire -- Incoterms and contracts of carriage on liner terms / Carine Gelens -- Variants on Incoterms / Kainu Mikkola (part 1), Asko R©Þty (part 2) -- Queries on Incoterms / Alexander von Ziegler.
Whenever goods are sold across international boundaries, rhe seller ancl the buyer will be conccrnecl with the carriagc of the goocls sold arıd with the corıtract governing such carriagc. The coruract of carriage is therefore necessarily relcvant, albeit ıo varying dcgrecs, to all the terms of sale contained in Incoıerrns 1990: cach incotcrrn will allocate ıhe costs arıd risks of carriagc to one or other of thc parties to the conıract of sale. However, to examine in pructica l cletail the poi nı.s of contact hetwccn each incotcrrn arıd ıhe relevarıt contract of carriage woulcl take rnore spacc than rhis book allows. This chapter will thcrcfore concentratc on the "C"-tcrms, and rnore particularly on the paradigrn "C"-Lerrn, the CIF incoterrn, focusing on the obligations imposecl hy this ıerrn of the contracı of sale regarcling ıhe contract of carriage wlıich the seller must conclucle with thc carrier ancl pass to the buyer. The central thrust of the chaplcr will be a well-known proposition always worth repeating, namely that costly dispulcs bctween exporters ancl importers frequently arise wherc contracts are clrafted with little regarcl to the terms ol other contracts involvecl in tlıe same transaction. A failurc to match the contracts of salc, carriage, insurancc ancl the letter of creclit conımonly lies at tlıe bonom of misunderstanclings whiclı lead at hest t.o clelay ancl at worst to litigation. Thc purpose of this chapter will he to idcntify the dulies of the seller uncler thc CIF incoterın regarcling the conLLıct of cırrLıge which the seller is to conclucle uncler the contract of sale. The various carriage clulies are imposccl in particular by art:icles A3(a), A4, A6, A7 ancl A8. These carriage obligations c; ın he groupccl uncler four heacls, relating respeclively to thc tcrms of the contract of carriage, the shiprnent of the goocls, thc route or shiprnent and the clisdıargc of the goocls. Thc ccntral questions Llıroughout will be: what cloes the CiF incoterrn teli us ahmıt the typc of carriage contract which the seller nıust procure for the huyer; what pracıical problems might arise as between seller ancl huyer; ancl how might these problems be avoidecJ or solvcc\ı


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Durumu / Lokasyon / İade Tarihi
Kitap EKOBKN0006327 382.03 INC 1996

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