The theoretical evolution of the international political economy : a reader için kapak resmi
The theoretical evolution of the international political economy : a reader
Paul, Darel E., editör.
Basım Bilgisi:
Third edition.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
x, 355 pages ; 24 cm
Genel Not:
Includes index.
Preface Introduction: Theories of International Political Economy 1 Mercantilism THOMAS MUN England's Treasure by Forraign Trade 2 Classical Liberalism ADAM SMITH Of the Principle of the Commercial or Mercantile System Of Restraints upon the Importation from Foreign Countries of Such Goods as Can be Produced at Home DAVID RICARDO On Foreign Trade JOHN STUART MILL Of International Trade 3 Classical Economic Nationalism ALEXANDER HAMILTON Report on Manufactures FRIEDRICH LIST Political and Cosmopolitical Economy Nationality and the Economy of the Nation 4 Classical Marxism KARL MARX AND FRIEDRICH ENGELS The Communist Manifesto KARL MARX On the Question of Free Trade The British Rule in India The Future Results of British Rule in India Illustrations of the general law of capitalist accumulation: Ireland V. I. LENIN The Export of Capital Imperialism as a Special Stage of Capitalism KARL KAUTSKY Ultra-Imperialism 5 Contemporary Liberalism ROBERT O. KEOHANE After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy ANDREW MORAVCSIK Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics 6 Contemporary Economic Nationalist Theories ROBERT WADE Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization BENJAMIN J. COHEN The Macrofoundations of Monetary Power 7 Contemporary Marxism ROBERT W. COX Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory GIOVANNI ARRIGHI The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times 8 Positive Political Economy ROLAND VAUBEL A Public Choice Approach to International Organization RONALD ROGOWSKI Why Changing Exposure to Trade Should Affect Political Cleavages 9 Poststructuralism MICHAEL HARDT AND ANTONIO NEGRI Empire MARIEKE DE GOEDE Virtue, Fortune and Faith: A Genealogy of Finance 10 Feminism J. ANN TICKNER On the Fringes of the World Economy: A Feminist Perspective V. SPIKE PETERSON How (the Meaning of) Gender Matters in Political Economy 11 Green Theory ERIC HELLEINER International Political Economy and the Greens ALF HORNBORG The Thermodynamics of Imperialism: Toward an Ecological Theory of Unequal Exchange Index
This collection of seminal readings in international political economy charts the historical and theoretical evolution of the field from the seventeenth century to the present day. Bringing together classic works and leading contemporary arguments, this book outlines the development of three schools of IPE thought - Economic Nationalism, Liberalism and Marxism - while also including theoretical perspectives beyond the dominant traditions. The third edition not only retains but increases the number of classic works from the previous editions while also updating the reader with contemporary writings reflecting the most important recent theoretical developments in the field. It also incorporates new theoretical terrains with sections on feminist and Green IPE, as well as a wholly new introduction. Readings include works by Thomas Mun, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Alexander Hamilton, Friedrich List, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V. I. Lenin, Karl Kautsky, Robert Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, Robert Wade, Benjamin Cohen, Robert W. Cox, Giovanni Arrighi, Roland Vaubel, Ronald Rogowski, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Marieke de Goede, Ann Tickner, Spike Peterson, Eric Helleiner and Alf Hornborg. Providing many of the most frequently cited IPE references in a single volume, the third edition of The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy continues to be an essential resource for students of both international relations and international economics.
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